On Interfaces

As now there is a second game using this divisibility system, Andrea Duarte’s Asphalt Among Ashes, I’ve been thinking. I’ve always been thinking, that’s my secret. One nice feature of divisibility with arbitrary dice is there are many numbers and as long as you can roll that number, you can roll at least one number that is divisible by it, itself.

So, you could theoretically add onto a game by proposing more “vibes” attached to some new divisibility terms. Say perhaps, for Moons Among Us

Seek - Prime numbers : There is something here you have been sent for. It has been asked of you specifically, but not clearly. Do you understand what you’re looking for? Do you find it? If you do, do you tell them? Or do you leave it be?

With divisibility, the probability of a fixed period rule is driven by the number of times the period appears in the range. If the rule is divisible by 5, and you roll a flat d6, 5 occurs once between 1 and 6, so you have a 1 in 6 chance. If however you choose to roll 1d6+4, then 5 occurs twice, so your odds are 1/3. With multiple similar dice, you have a bell curve of some description, and a wider range. For 2d6, you have a 19.44% chance to roll divisible by 5.

Given any flat range, larger periods occur less often than small periods. The smallest non-continuous period is divisible by 2, or, even numbers. This wasn’t useful for Moons Among Us, but it may be for your expansion or your game. It will double the number of unique outcomes otherwise in play.

Nesting values are also interesting. If you have a div. 4 rule, and you add a div. 8 rule, every occurrence of div. 8 is necessarily an occurrence of div. 4, but only half of div. 4 are div. 8. Div. 12 is the same but only a third of div. 4s.

Prime numbers deviate, here’s a list up to 60.

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59

No reason to stick to rules like this, maybe you want to roll two dice, and have vibes about how they relate, matching rolls, one higher or lower than the other, one by primes, the other by division, whether they divide into each other, make a chance cube and roll colors, find a spinner from Game of Life. Spinners are dice. Play beyblade

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